It's official! After what seemed like forever of being in the failure inducing clutches of sissy sycophants, dope, liquor and an eternal 28 day crazy cycle, an ex and soon to be again role model for girls is back on top.
Over the past five years, our hearts have broken again and again for Spears. No, not because of her career (she continues to be a hit-making machine), but because of everything else. To recap: two failed marriages, a custody battle and what seemed like a slow-motion breakdown. In 2006 she called herself an “emotional wreck” in an interview with Matt Lauer, then flashed the entire world in numerous panty free paparazzi shots.
In 2007 she stunned us by shaving her head for the cameras, made several visits to rehab and attacked a photographer’s car with—remember this?—a green umbrella. She attempted a sexy “See, I’m OK” performance on the VMAs that September,only to be ravaged by critics and fans for her drowsy dancing and off-time lip-synching.
Within a month, Spears was charged with a misdemeanor hit-and-run and lost custody of her kids to K-Fed. Then, on January 3, 2008, the pop star was carried out of her L.A. home on a gurney and whisked to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Her diagnosis was widely rumored to be bipolar disorder, but her mother, Lynne Spears, has a different opinion. “I believe Britney had postpartum depression, which [in addition to]…the end of her marriage to Kevin and the enormous pressures of her career, brought her to the breaking point,” Lynne claims in her tell-all book, Through the Storm. “Something inside of her had broken and needed to be healed.”
Glamour's bit on Brit reveals how she got her groove back on and it is all about the real things in life - family and a family's unconditional love that straightened her out.
"I fix breakfast for my kids and then we’ll go for walks. During the
day I spend most of the time with my children. At night is when I go to work.
This whole year has been a hell of a year for me. I have been working so hard on my album, but I didn’t know exactly where I stood with everyone. When I received the awards and the audience stood for me, it showed me how much love is out there."
Britney's latest CD "Circus" is doing great - hitting #1 on the charts and hanging out in the top ten, future tour dates looks sweet and her hit "Womanizer" is the spiritual followup to last years killer hook hung single "Piece of me"
"Womanizer" especially is prescrip meds for Britney fans that hooked on to her way back before 911 time when many of us were literally 9 or 11 years old.
"There are so many guys who take advantage of girls and play girls all
the time. The song is basically saying that we’ve got your number—we know what you’re up to."
Glamour Mag chronicles Britney's comeback and is inspiring in the all American tradition of being the best in your field. And she looks - well - radiant!
This is significant.
For millions of girls in Great Satan - and by extension - the entire world - this is living proof that you can stumble, fumble make down right idiotic choices and still overcome them with hard work, self imposed discipline, talent and luck.
Congrats Britney!