Monday, April 28, 2008

Fissile Missile

No fair! Great Satan's 30 years in the future military is using magical weaponry to annihilate Mahdi Army in their own pocket caliphate of Sadr City.

Mookie's political fanboy Liqaa Al Yassin in the 'Sadrist Party' complains that sustaining cadres and minions in a hoped for future of rocket rich rejects is being rendered inert.

"Cogent evidence were shown by the criminal investigations and forensics'
reports that the occupation forces have used fissile arms during the bombardment
of Sadr City. When diffused, fissile bombs hit a large number of targets and
spread on the body, which was evidently clear on the bodies of the dead and
wounded in Sadr City."

Heck yeah! Where can we get more of these wonderful devices?

This is totally like the kiss of death for Mahdi Army - after all - how can MA accurately recreate Hiz'B'Allah's model of usurping a sovereign, legit gov and impose despotic designs when Great Satan is in their face and peeling it off?

Exactly, replies the MNF (Multi Nat'l Force for the unallied) spokescat Abdul-Latif Rayan - and so what?

"We only targeted armed groups in Sadr City that fired missiles at the Green
Zone in central Baghdad"

This is significant - since Mookie's threat last WE to launch an open war - the only thing that has been launched has been hundreds of intolerants and their own magical journey of a non corporeal haj to the perfumed gardens of Paradise.

Which also brings up the quiz on why any lawmakers would mourn the loss of rebellious law breaking constits who openly bemoan their failure to fire up an intolerant, non egalitarian regime backed up by the fashion posse, the religious police and militias in black.

Like newly militia free Basra. Caliphating totally sucks, it's illegitimate and provides nothing except empowerment for intolerant time traveling creeps and tormented misery for innocents.

Like 22yo hottie Nadyia Ahmed. She's been there, done that and got the T shirt - it's like a nightmare.

“All these men in black who imposed the laws just vanished from the university
after this operation. Things have completely changed over the past week. I now
have the university life that I heard of at high school before the war and
always dreamt about.

It was a nightmare because of these militiamen. I only attended class three days a week but now I look forward to going every day.”

Mookie has had to announce a do over on his communique before last. A week ago Mookie mentioned miltarizing the conflict under Mahdi Army until he ruled all of Iraq.

"So I am giving my final warning ... to the Iraqi government ... to take
the path of peace and abandon violence against its people. If the government
does not refrain...we will declare an open war until liberation."

Issued from his comfy safe as milk lair somewhere far way from fissile missiles, new Iraqi army guys, surging up armored sons of Great Satan and his own constits who are being taken down in Sadr City, the soon to be jumped up Ayatollah reduxed his script for his newly discovered fissile missile magnets
"When we threatened to declare an open war until the liberation, we
meant war against the occupier. There is no war between us and our Iraqi
brothers -- no matter what their nationality, race or sect. The blood of Iraqis
are forbidden on you."

Hold up. Recent defecting Mahdi Army cats laugh that one off
"Al-Sadr called for a ban on the killing of Iraqis before. That was only a few
days after the Samaraa crime. And yet the sectarian violence continued.
Thousands of Sunnis were killed and their mosques were burned. And the evidence
all pointed to the Mahdi Army. The killing spree continued until operation
imposing law (Arabic for Surge) started."

Intolerant, illegitimate weaponized enemies of free choice are being marginalized and annihilated - fissie weaponry aside - by a baby democracy and her legit army guys under the protective watchful eye of Great Satan.

This op may actually be the last chance to avoid a regional war - with Iran and her mullahs, IRRGC's and al Quds duds being the target.

A case could be made that security in Iraq has tranformed about as much as it can - unless the progenitors of Iraqi destability in Tehran are engaged in a really cool mix of asymmetrical, overt covert regime killing regime change.

"Launch a massive blitz on the top 20% of Iran's ruling clerics and IRRGC using cruise and conventional missiles, attack aircraft and old school special ops.

While Iran's rulers have some redundancy in their command and control posts, these are actually quite few in number as are the few calling the shots. Any wanna be successor 'Supreme Leader' could get his guts stomped out in the streets by the Iranians themselves."


  1. Love the photo updates on the sidebar, Courtney.

    Newsfloggers is up to some demonization of "war party" analysts, if you've been over to see "C" lately.

    Keep it up over here!

  2. It seems Mookie got his words confused in his "open war" comment. Here's what my source (and Mookie's adviser and speech writer, literally) says:

    "I shall assume that al-Sadr's statement of 25 April has been looked over, carefully. He was supposed to use the term "open confrontation" as opposed to "open war." The words in the Arabic seem close, a fine line, I am told.

    Today's statement provides the opening, on the basis of which our political talks with al-Maliki will continue.

    The important message: the order stands confirmed."

    This continues in his plan and following SUN, "ambiguity in word, clarity in action" ...


    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  3. Mookie is living very comfortably in Tehran while his men are dying. Isn't that nice. We can take Sadr City, destroy his men, and he can then cry on Iranian TV about the Big Bad Great Satan.

    Mookie's been crying cease-fire for 3 weeks. Now is the time we press the attack and destroy his forces once and for all.

  4. I say we take those wiz bang fissile arms direct to mookies lair and give him a taste of what his faithful soldiers are having to deal with...
    Keep up the good fight!
    btw: Have saved ya some cake at AI...

  5. Mookie, Mookie, Mookie. Such a dangerously loyal doofus to his buds in Iran. They let him run and hide there when his land grab gets a little too hot to handle. I agree with the last of your terrific post here - until something is done about Iran's interference, it's about as secure as it's gonna get in Iraq right now.

  6. I think there is some lingo I am not aware of...I will keep reading an keep trying but who is Mookie?? :)N

  7. Thanks Donald! I have a weakness for them also.

    Yeah, Hogwash is nigh unhinged these days - making stuff up as they go along with precious little research involved. Currently shooting sparks off of Porcinius Rex right now.

  8. Hi Debbie - SwEeT! So far like over 200 Mahdi cats have been taken out and looks like there is no stopping them. IVY's website has several pages about Tropic Lightning right in the tender, sensitive portion of Sadr hood - putting it to them.


  9. Hi OtTo! Yeah - them there fissile arms pack a heck of a punch. Actually, researching it - the best I could make of it was kinda like 'neutronic' weaponry.

    While Great Satan decided not to play that way back in the day (70's) Any number of Allies could have surged ahead with it and like real allies - loaned them out whenever the need - or even opportunity presented itself

  10. Hi Findalis. True Mookie's been awol while his cats are getting waxed, The hudna, cease fire, reload trick doesn't seem to work so well recently.

    You are correct - time to kill his movement - then start up on Badr Corps

  11. Karen! LOL! Stop it!~ You know, I got so tickled when you mentioned that before.

    Well, the way war talk has got all het up - looks like that may be one of the cases they make to close the deal and strike Iran.

  12. Hi Nikki. Ok, Mookie is the nickname for a wanna be Preacher Commander in Iraq named Moktada ( or Muqtada) al-Sadr.. His militia is called the 'Mahdi Army.

    And he's been nothing but trouble since his BF's hackedd a pro Great Satan preacher to death in Najaf back in late spring '03. Here's a few links to dossier;

    and my fave -

    Surge ran his murderous asset right out of town - straight to Iran where he's hid every since.



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