Friday, November 13, 2009

Friends And Future Fights

As "C.O.D. Modern Warfare 2" blows the top off of the video game charts this week, Rasmussen released a poll that shows what Great Satan thinks about future Call Of Duty - like honoring alliances and actually putting troops in harm's way for Allies and friends in a war.

78% of Americans favor rushing to Canada’s defense and only 16% disagree.
The mommie country is in second place; 73% think Great Satan should defend Great Britain.

Tied for 3rd place (59% each) each are Mexico and Little Satan.

A diff Rasmussen thingy says 70% of Americans consider Little Satan an ally; only Canada and Britain at 86% and 85% respectively scored higher.

Rounding out the rest were Deutschland @ 53%, Nippon @ 46% and France (!!) @ 45%

And adversaries?

NoKo and Iran topped off the enemies list In a separate Pew poll taken last month, 61% of Americans (including 66% of independent voters) said they favored military action if necessary to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Pic "Call of Booty 2: Battle of the Bulge"


  1. Had to pre-order the game for my oldest son. I love the game too! Very addicting. Nothing like letting lose in full auto on some opponents (from God knows where) with my M4A1 while their yelling in some middle eastern language about killing Americans. Great stress relief!

  2. Boycotted. For a large number of reasons...

    MW2 is a community killer - by design and intent.

    No lean function?

    Tactical nukes?

    9vs9 maximum players?

    I'll stick to COD4 and COD/WaW tyvm.


  3. Actually I can't wait to get that game. I've heard too much about it and I am not even a gamer.

    Why do you keep on putting up hottie photos? I'm at work yo!

  4. As to the friends or foe, defend or not poll, where's Australia?

    I didn't see Australia in the list.

    Definite friend. I'd pay my own air fare there to help defend the place if it was under attack.


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