Friday, April 30, 2010

Persia And Girl World

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

The intolerant, goofy girl fearing regime in Mullahopolis gets high profile and an uncontested portfolio at UN:

"Iran, along with representatives from 10 other nations, was "elected by acclamation," meaning that no open vote was requested or required by any member states -- including the United States."

Not so long ago, Persia was catching hits faster than battleship Bismarck about abusing, oppressing and repressing girls, fun and free choice.

"Iran is attempting to control every venue and avenue through which its own citizens reach the world with real news. It is bringing its cynicism and misogyny to the international community. Instead of being challenged and blocked, Iran is making good progress thanks to the inertia of other member states.

" In Tehran they must be pleased with the likely turn of events. But in New York, this should be a wake up call. If we are to take the UN's entities seriously, they must demonstrate a seriousness of purpose. Membership in the CSW as with the Human Rights Council must come with minimum conditions.

"Iranian women have fought this regime non-violently and resolutely for 30 years. Its young women have been shot and killed on the streets of the Tehran, for the simple crime of being young and female. To have Iran join the CSW will be the ultimate sign of disrespect to them and women worldwide.

The American experience proves as girls advance status wise, so do families, communities, career work places - and the entire nation.

Tolerance and egalitarianism are the handmaidens of success - on every scale - personal, national and international, wealth, education, self worth.

The way certain blocs treat their girls may also explain why a wheelbarrow is still a great invention, and pitiful literacy rates.

With war against women, there will be no peace.

Deny us learning and literacy and we grant failure, intolerance, misery and rage to our own sons and daughters too.

Ignore us and neglect us. Keep your societies pitiful, needy, and backwards.

If we are not loved, we will not love back; and if we are not nurtured, we will neglect.

If we are not valued - we have no values to instill.

Girls who are treated with cruelty give birth to murderous intolerants and oppressors.

Destroy us - and destroy yourself

Pic - "Women in Iran are calling for freedom and equality. We want to show the world that we are not alone."

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