Monday, April 4, 2011

Persian Urging


While 44 seems to have made an anciently hot warcraft phantasy come true in Libya - "Oh snap! If only both sides could lose!" - several indicators are indicating 44's posse of fully crunk academs (with all the attendant lack of real world expertise) are getting carjack'd by reality.

As kindred spirit and Ambassador K sagely saged"It's regional, stupid!"

Retroactively reaction to every development, crisis and opportunity shows an underwhelming lack of strategic vision:

"...It's inherently reactive. It allows us to manage breaking developments but undermines our ability to shape events proactively even as regimes and reformers are watching our actions and drawing lessons. If we are to avoid instability while putting hostile regimes on the defensive, we need a strategy that allows us to take the initiative..."

Talk talk talking 'bout sweet strategery.

All the press Girl Power got - true tall tail tales  of Ambasador Rice, Madame Sec HRC and R2P genocide hater Sam Pow flexing the muscle and pressing Great Satan back into interventionus maximus modus may in fact be a side show of sorts.

44 and his super powered team of rivals are hopefully absorbing that lesson faster than rowdy assetted little nephews and happy meals - with the toy helplessly held hostage til every bite is consumed.

  The realization that Little Satan's apartments of war, occupied turf (won fair and square - nicht wahr?) or Great Britain's past collective of colonies or even Arab Streets pitiful alleged wrath at Great Satan's penchant for taking modern warmaking within arms reach of every Mid East nation state capitol have little game in the new millennium.

It's all about gay free Persia's Preacher command - and by extension - Syria and the rocket rich rejectionist minions in Hiz'B'Allah:  

As 44 heard the arguments of security cats about the yays and OMG's of doing Libya, the conversation soon veered into the impact in a far more strategically vital place: Iran.

"...The mullahs in Tehran, noted Thomas E. Donilon, the national security adviser, were watching Mr. Obama’s every move in the Arab world. They would interpret a failure to back up his declaration that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi had “lost the legitimacy to lead” as a sign of weakness — and perhaps as a signal that Mr. Obama was equally unwilling to back up his vow never to allow Iran to gain the ability to build a nuclear weapon.

“...It shouldn’t be overstated that this was the deciding factor, or even a principal factor” in the decision to intervene in Libya, Benjamin J. Rhodes, a senior aide who joined in the meeting, said last week. But, he added, the effect on Iran was always included in the discussion. In this case, he said, “the ability to apply this kind of force in the region this quickly — even as we deal with other military deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan — combined with the nature of this broad coalition sends a very strong message to Iran about our capabilities, militarily and diplomatically.”

So when Great Satan scopes out the region through Persian binocs, what does it look like? 


The problem gets more complex when dealing with Arab allies who have little compunction about shooting protesters in the streets, even as they seek to undermine Iran. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are the prime examples. The Saudis see Iran as the biggest threat to their own regional ambitions, and have cooperated in many American-led efforts to hem in Tehran. Yet relations between Washington and Riyadh have rarely been as strained: To King Abdullah, President Obama’s decision to abandon President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was a sign of weakness, and a warning that he might throw the Saudi leadership under the bus if democracy demonstrations took root there.

Perhaps that explains why there was barely a peep from the White House when the Saudis rolled troops into neighboring Bahrain to help put down the Shiite-majority protests there. Much as Mr. Obama wants to see the aspirations of democracy protesters fulfilled, and urged steps toward reform in Bahrain, he has no desire to see the toppling of the government that hosts the Fifth Fleet, right across the Persian Gulf from Iran.


For years the United States has tried in vain to peel Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, away from Iran and to reconcile with Israel. It fears that if his government collapses, chaos will reign, making Syria unpredictable as well as dangerous. It’s a reasonable fear. But in recent weeks the White House has concluded that it has much less to lose than the Iranians do if Mr. Assad is swept away. And, as some in Mr. Obama’s war council have noted, if protesters succeed in Syria, Iran could be next.


All the Arab turmoil has left Little Satan convinced that America and its Arab allies are too distracted to credibly threaten that they will stop the Iranian nuclear ambitions at all costs, even though Mr. Donilon has pledged that “we will not take our eye off the ball.” Inside Little Satan, a debate has resumed about how long Little Satan can afford to put off dealing with the problem themselves, fed by fears that Iran’s reaction to the region’s turmoil might be a race for the bomb. That could lead to the worst outcome for 44 — a war between Persia and Little Satan — and that consideration alone makes the case for the administration to see little room for error in handling the main act.

Pic - "The Devil We Know"

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