Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy BDay Great Satan!

4 July 1776 fired off a crazy rocking rolling ride that hasn't stopped 'stirring things up' on a global scale.

Advancing arrogance into an art form with a remarkable relentless risque commitment to liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, and laissez-faire values.

America differs qualitatively from all other nations, because of her unique origins, nat'l credo, historical evolution, and distinctive political and religious institutions.

Great Satan is magically especial because she was a country of immigrants and the first modern democracy.

Loud, proud and rowdy - early America forecast future stuff with a provocative lingo that still fits today. "Don't Tread On Me!" "Liberty Or Death", "Live Free Or Die"

The belief in the superiority of the American model is reflected in the perception among Americans of America’s role in the world. That American foreign policy is based on moral principles is a consistent theme in the American discourse – a phenomenon recognized even by those who are skeptic of such an assessment.

This inclination to do right has been virtually unique among the nations of the world - and for this very reason - America has been totally misunderstood. How could a nation so rich, so successful actually, really be so unselfish and so caring?

Critics cry America must have darker motives! America must be seeking imperium - to dominate everyone else, suck up all the oil, to trade and rob blind for America's selfish purposes.

People from more grasping, less idealistic societies find it nigh impossible to accept that America honestly believes that giving everyone opportunity is the real roadmap for abundance and happiness everywhere - not merely in the magical Great Satan.

Americans honestly believe that securing other people's freedom is actually like the best guarantee that America can keep her own.

America does not want to dominate the world. Americans want to live in peace and hope other people will too.

America will go out into the world, redress errors, stop unacceptable behaviour, to first challenge then annihilate threats to our liberty.

Creative destruction is Great Satan's middle name. It is a natural function, for she is the one truly revolutionary country in the world for more than 2 centuries.

She does it automatically, and that is precisely why tyrants hate her guts, and are driven to attack her. An enormous advantage, tyrants fear her, and their oppressed peoples want what she offers: freedom.

Amazingly, some suspect states, illegit leaders and some people have not yet comprehended that America's primary intention is to preserve and keep our own land and liberty and all it's prosperity and that America will do anything and go anywhere to make it happen.

Great Satan built the modern world.

And She knows her way around.

Happy BDay America!


  1. Bravo Courtney! I love it! Your great unbounded patriotism is contagious!
    You represent everything I love about this damn country!

    You know I've got to steal this wonderful tribute for Radarsite.
    Happy Fourth of July GSG!

  2. Our democracy works because we make it work. That is the lesson to other nations. Freedoms only work when you allow them to.

    And a good handgun helps to.

    Happy 4th!!!!! Food, fun and fireworks!!!

  3. Terrific, Courtney.

    Unlike ungrateful people like Michelle Obama, who thinks American is "just plain mean" and she's "really proud for the first time in her life", we are still the shining city on the hill.

    Happy 4th.

  4. Once again, Courtney, you -- and the troops doing sterling service overseas -- show that the younger generation not only gets it, but demonstrates that they get it, and will put up against progressive cowardice.

    Happy Fourth of July, Courtney!

  5. I'm stealin' it too!!!
    Look away.... look away.....

    GSGF rules!

  6. You say, "Americans honestly believe that securing other people's freedom is actually like the best guarantee that America can keep her own."

    It is hard for some people around the world to understand that concept, it's hard for some AMERICANS to understand that.

    Is roger over here stealing again? hee hee He only robs from the best. Oh Wait! Roger is inciting others to steal too. Buffoon stop!!! ha

    Happy Birthday America and happy 4th of July Courtney.

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  7. Nice work. I will link to this tomorrow.

  8. Have a great Fourth of July, Courtney!

    NeoCrazies, all of us, about our country, that is ... !

  9. Awesome post courtney and thanks for the 4th of july wishes and same to you wild woman! :)N

  10. What to go Courtney! Great Satan ROCKS!!!! And so do you! Have a rockin' 4th! :)


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