Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Karachi Kids

Imran Raza, writer, director and exec producer (another triple threat cat) of the recently unleashed true life docu drama "Karachi Kids" played a major role in getting 2 American brothers the heck out of a Pakistani madrassa that tends to crank out combative, intolerant, easily offended, fast provocable Taliban fan boys at a rate nigh comparable of a dunkin Doughnuts.

Online, Jamia Binoria Madrassa's site is deceptively modern - featuring the Binora resturant that specializes in internat'l cuisine like Afghani, Pakistani, Indian and even Chinese (rumour has it though the moo goo gai pan is somewhat suspect).

Though the Women's health centre involuntarily gives one the creeps (shudder):

"Medical, surgical and diagnostic facilities in the state-of-the-art situation to cater the needs of the Ummah, nationally and internationally. "
Binoria's 'Hot Articals' page about mohammedist ho's, hotties and hootchies is particularly rich.

"Since the height of the feminist movement in the late 70's there has
been a magnifying glass placed over the status of Muslim women. Unfortunately, the magnifying glass that has been used is an unusual one.

"Unusual in the sense that it is very selective about which items
it will magnify; other items it will distort to such a degree that they will no longer look familiar."

Raza discovered the two boys from Atlanta while filming a documentary about madrassas. He returned to the madrassa three times in four years to film their Xformation in the hands of mullahs.

The kids in “The Karachi Kids” describe beatings and human rights violations for those who reject the rad teachings of their Taliban masters. Guys from California and Georgia are interviewed in the film from inside the madrassa and discuss heading home to Great Satan to spread their indoctrination.

Raza reveals
“I have been working for months to secure their exit from the Madrassa and from Pakistan. This is great news, but we need to get the other American children out of there, now. There are nearly 80 other Americans currently at this Jamia Binoria madrassa — that teaches Deobandism — the religion of the Taliban.

Our government, and the Pakistani government, has more work to do to get the other American children out of there.”

Binoria's Ayatollah has high hopes for spreading the luv.
“We work on altering the mindset of the students we are training, so when they return to their home countries, their mindset is such that they will work on altering the minds of others. That is why I’m appealing to you that at least 1000 to 2000 boys come to us so we can train them and they will go back to their home countries and do the work and make people understand.”

Bernie Kerik, the contributing editor of FamilySecurityMatters.org and NYC 911 hero, points out

''It is believed that there are another 600 American boys currently being
educated in 22 madarsas throughout Pakistan. They are known to mass-produce extremists with a political agenda, including a cripplingly narrow view of society and zero tolerance of western culture. They radicalize Muslim youth and are seminaries for violent jihad.''

Original art by Mahboob Elahi Khan "We don't like our room, there's no school in English and I just miss the good stuff. Americans. English. Bunk beds. I wish I were on a plane on my way home"


  1. Keep them there! For G-d's sake, they are now indoctrinated and cannot be rehabilitated.

    If the rest are brought back to the US there will be 600 terrorists here in the US waiting for instructions from their Taliban masters.

    I hate to have to say that, but once these boys went to Pakistan they were lost to the US. Now 2 are back and sooner or later they will join up with other radical Muslims. Only these 2 have had training other than Koran in those schools. They also get bomb making, and terror training.

  2. 'I miss the good stuff...Americans..'

    I like that kid already.

  3. I wonder if the kids listen to the indoctrination of these psychos as closely as my kids listen to me when I tell them to clean their rooms.

    There is still hope.

  4. "I wonder if the kids listen to the indoctrination of these psychos as closely as my kids listen to me when I tell them to clean their rooms.

    There is still hope."


  5. Wow... unbelievable!! shocking!!

    Unfortunately none of it is true. The filmmaker confused the moderate madrassa these boys attended with a much more radical madrassa of a similar name. When this was discovered, rather than back off, he took the boys comments out of context and smeared the good name of this madrass anyway.

    According to the US State Department: "the school is known to U.S. officials as a moderate institution, favored by Pakistani-Americans for its moderate and tolerant Islamic instruction."

    According to CNN, who interviewed one of the children, in the film, named Noor, who has finished his study of the Quran is now back in the US, "Noor said the "beatings" he referred to in the film were the equivalent of when American teachers years ago used to smack students on their wrists to reinforce a lesson."

    Other than that the fact that it's entirely fiction... :-)

  6. I am quite sure they will learn lots of new stuff here than anybody else!


  7. It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also get knowledge, from these type of
    site, nice entry. Thanks

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