Saturday, November 7, 2009

Coup d'état le Militare: How to Stage a Military Coup

While there may not really be a Coup School (as far as we know! ) there is a how to book.

The coup remains the single most common form of regime change throughout the world. 14 alone attempted in 2004! The gov targeted by a coup attempt could be democratically elected, a long-standing dictatorship, or nothing more than a junta putsch put in place by the previous month's coup.

The motivation will always be lust for power, patriotism, greed or exploitation. It is usually a combination of power, greed, exploitation and patriotism.

"How To Stage A Military Coup: From Planning To Execution"
by David Hebditch and Ken Connor is a sexyful interesting and thought-provoking exploration of the military empowerment of obtaining command and control through the exercise of military force or the threat of such force.

Intro'ing a detailed and in-depth understanding (which Connor has 1st hand experience) of the act known as a military coup or coup d'etat, this worldy tome is an outstanding and unique study of what may be frequently and sweetly used against various unstable regimes throughout the world.

Highly recommended to military cats, students of politics, internat'l studies, and the utilization of military power with a role in establishing and/or overthrowing regimes.

Ultimately the book is a work of military history and illuminates this rarely talked about unsavoury element of the military experience that is fortunately outside the modern history of Western democracies.

Vital, because it's referring to the human experience of these coups, not high-blown non profit academic brainiac jawflapping full of theories or wishful interpretation, and still retains a certain dark humor.

With tons of soldiers serving overseas from legit democratic govs, understanding military coups is vital not only to protect our own force but also to promote respect for legitimate gov in our allied forces.

This Coup How To should be read by military cats to prep for the challenges of operating overseas and for some good entertainment.


  1. You made a believer out of me. Just ordered the book from Amazon.

  2. Wishful thinking appears in my evil mind along with rubbing hands and diabolical laughter. I think I will dream tonight. I would love to see the look on Obama's face if that ever happened to him.

    Stop a sec and imagine the look on Pelosi's face after she's arrested and ousted from speaker of the House.


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