Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Undying Pharoh

For eons, the premier member of Arab League has been ruled by the emergency decree of President For Life Hosni.

Pyramidland's Undying Pharoh is dying.

The realpolitik meme of sucking up to despotries has flourished in Egypt in 44's tenure - cutting way back on democracy promotion in a hood that routinely jails political opposition, beats up 'citizen journalists' and leads the world in hepatitis C, gender apartheid and Great Satan's foreign aid:

"...For all of its shortcomings, Egypt remains a critically important U.S. ally. Cairo has been very helpful (albeit discreetly) in efforts to fuel and supply U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"...And the Obama administration will need Mubarak onboard as it launches a diplomatic effort to forge Palestinian-Israeli peace.

President Hosni has kept the Peace hammered out in good faith with Little Satan through K'Ssams, intifadas, Cast Lead and Hiz'B'Allah's rocketeering for as long as he's ruled (yet not governed).

What comes next will be interesting: A dynastic seccession tricked out in democratic couture?

"...Such a maneuver would still require sanction from the military, however. It is important to remember that in Egypt, perhaps more than anywhere else in the Arab world, politics is very much an ad hoc affair.

"...In Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, new leaders are bred through the monarchy. In Syria, it's done through the Alawis. Egypt has no system for renewal; it has a host of competing constituencies (Arabs, Africans, Islamists, Copts, secularists, the lower coastal dwellers and the upper inlanders) but no institution to emulsify them. Gamal is a political orphan who lacks the influence and authenticity that could sustain a dynastic transfer of authority.

:...So it will likely be the military, not Gamal Mubarak, that fills the void.

Pic - "We need a multiparty political system, a free press, a free society. We need real NGOs that are not intimidated by the government, and we need to abolish the security state. Only then can Egypt be reborn." with Wanha Izhen


  1. This article in the Wilson Quarterly has a good overview of the history/current situation in Egypt as well as its future prospects.

  2. Sorry - forgot the link:


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