Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Clear Praetorians

Synchronise watches!

If la Stache Grande is correct - hang on tight with both arms inside - it's gonna be off the hook!

And yet - if Little Satan deigns not to design enrichment interruptus - then an even more worser entity is born:

Hail New Clear Praetorians!

Despotries subtle and gross have fielded praetorians throughout the manchild experience. The guardian guard of imperial imperators could perhaps best be scoped out as an uparmored posse of body guards and as political solders at the regime's disposal.

Intended to be special purpose troops for such duties as putting down counterrevolutions and strikes, conduct purges, and quell riots, praetorian guards are the actualizing enablers.

And new clear Praetorians can do all those things plus maintain command and control of an atomic arsenal.

Persia's Revolutionary Guard maintains the regime of Preacher Command - how or will the Revo Guards act out when new clear power is achieved?

"...When Iran develops nuclear weapons, determining their command-and-control will become America's overriding intelligence objective. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's genocidal rhetoric shocks the West. Would he control the bomb? Not likely.

"...In the Islamic Republic, the president is subordinate to the supreme leader. Khamenei may be the ultimate political authority in Iran, but will an aide carrying launch codes generated daily shadow him day and night? Equally unlikely; the ayatollah allows no aide so close.

"...Possession is 90% of the law. And in that sense, on a day-to-day basis, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps - which will "own" the arsenal - will control it. This is no comfort: Not only do the Revolutionary Guards contain Iran's most radical ideologues, but they also remain effectively a big, black box to Western analysts.

"...While professors speak knowingly of hardliners, reformers and pragmatists along the Islamic republic's political spectrum, no one knows much about factions within Iran's ideological army.

"...No American official knows with certainty whether the Iranian general controlling the bomb is a pragmatist who seeks only to defend Iran, or whether he believes the key to the Hidden Imam's return is just one button away.

"...The second the first Iranian nuclear bomb rolls off the assembly line, power shifts fundamentally, unleashing an endless cycle with the most radical elements in Iranian society determining leadership and appointing men in their image to determine the next generation of leadership.

New Clear Praetorians will also have an incredibly hot! inclinating penchant for maintaining that regime at all costs. These are the the actualizing enablers of the Revolution, they fought Iraq, fought America and Little Satan with proxies and face to face.

And if the regime's survival is the question of the day

"...3 scenarios are possible.

"...The idea that the regime is not suicidal, the mantra of those who embrace deterrence, transforms into a force for fear: The Revolutionary Guards could blackmail the world to ensure its own survival. It might also flee, selling the weapons to finance their exile.

"...The worst case scenario, however, is that with regime survival a moot point, true believers might use their last moments to launch the bomb to fulfill objectives of destroying Israel or wounding America. After all, they know the world will not retaliate against a new Iran if the culpable regime is already destroyed.

Pic "Life On Standby"


  1. That IDF soldier can tie me up anytime. Shame she is taking such heat for doing her job.

  2. I love all the self-righteous ignorant comments the libs are making over at HuffPo about the IDF hoochie and the pic.

    My favorite cliche all those idiots make is still about the'Israeli Occupation' and how they stole the land from the goat fuckers.

    Someday those idiots may read a little history about how the UN actually gave the goat fuckers a chance to form a sovereign nation. A chance the they of course, epically failed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "I love all the self-righteous ignorant comments the libs are making over at HuffPo about the IDF hoochie and the pic.

    My favorite cliche all those idiots make is still about the'Israeli Occupation' and how they stole the land from the goat fuckers.

    Someday those idiots may read a little history about how the UN actually gave the goat fuckers a chance to form a sovereign nation. A chance the they of course, epically failed"

    classy crowd you got here.

  5. As for Iran as a nuclear power, I never could figure out why the U.N., or the U.S. or Israel is just letting this happen. The U.S. has the bold audacity to actually invade countries, but can't seem to decide whether it is wise to conduct a preemptive, surgical strike on a radical regime's nuclear facilities with our bunker busters, before Iran does what they have been telling us they'll do: Strike our long-time ally in the Middle East; Israel is geographically too small to survive.
    BTW it pains ponder this, because I have known a lot a wonderful Iranians in my life; I wouldn’t be worried about Iranian raw aggression if perhaps the Green Movement with their youthful vision were in power, but the clerics run the country, and the Islamic Republic Army and Revolutionary Guard oversee the military. A serious imbalance of power in the Middle East is about to happen.

  6. Iran will use the bomb as the ultimate deterrent ace in the whole to prevent anyone from reacting when they take over Iraq and form a Shiite super state that includes Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

  7. Raedwulf you may very well be right about that.

  8. classy crowd you got here.

    Oh, you cut me so.

    I'll lose hours of sleep over the fact I hurt your delicate sensibilities with the truth.

    Actually, no, I won't.


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