Friday, December 3, 2010

DPRK Repellent

Current crisis prevention for the stiff tensioned peninsula protruberance, nom d'voyage - the two Koreas - may be tough choices about regime change, Koreunification, or hoping for the best. and running away.

Another alternate signal to send may be reinvesting hard power in SoKo

"...War on the Korean peninsula is not a distant possibility. South Korea has reacted with noble restraint to the torpedoing of the warship Cheonan in March and to last week's shelling of Yeonpyeong island. But eventually, Seoul will choose to retaliate forcefully. 

"...If China does not restrain its North Korean ally, a war that no one wants will become much more likely. The North's next deliberate attack on South Korean civilians could well be its last.

A significant Force Restructuring in the AO may function way more better as a DPRK repellant than running away

"...Removing U.S. troops from harm's way — even though that was not the reason for the redeployment — is no way to demonstrate steadfastness in the face of a determined foe. Deterrence has suffered as a result.

The Great Satan- Nippon Roadmap for Realignment Implementation deserves serious reconsideration. Moving 8K Teufel Hunden from Okinawa to Guam is a weak signal

"...Kim Jong Il will be happy to see these Marines move more distant from his country's shores and will certainly appreciate the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force's necessarily diminished capacity to react rapidly to a crisis in Northeast Asia. Having 8,000 more Marines in-theater provides 8,000 more reasons for Kim to think twice about provoking America's South Korean ally.

"...Though Defense Secretary Gates insists that we must focus on winning the wars we are in, Pyongyang's repeated acts of aggression should remind us that we cannot be unprepared for the war that may be just around the corner.

"...The Army footprint in South Korea should likewise be increased to at least its level in the early years of the last decade. The United States cannot deter a war if it is not prepared to fight and win one.

"...The potential for a conventional war on the Korean peninsula is an unfortunate reality. That American forces are not properly postured to fight in a renewed Korean War makes such a conflict more likely to occur and less likely to end quickly. 

"...There are, of course, monetary and political costs in the United States, Japan and South Korea for increasing troop presence on the peninsula and for canceling plans to relocate Marines from Okinawa. But the military and civilian casualties that would be averted if North Korea is successfully deterred from further aggression — or, should deterrence fail, if the allies achieve a quick victory in an unwanted war — should be worth the cost in dollars and political capital.

"...In order to avoid the war that nobody wants, U.S. forces must be prepared to fight and win.

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