Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enemy State?


The overtly robust bespectacled girthy Body Part Collector General issued a rambling, hard to follow statement - essentially - Hiz'B'Allah wouldn't go out of their way to kill anyone - unless anyone got in their way

Since collapsing the gov, Hiz'B'Allah is on their way to xforming what's left of Lebanon's parliamentary democracy into a terrorist parliamentary democracy

Inexplicably, some may not see a big deal - worthy of Great Satan's "...interests that should occupy the time of senior policy-makers... " in Lebanon, yet, it certainly IS a big deal bay bee.


Hiz'B'Allah  is an official enemy of Great Satan. A terrorist org that owes America a blood debt with NO statue of limitations. An org that is illegal to do biz with in any way.  

Hiz'B'Allah's two patrons are Official Designated Creep Nations - Iran and Syria.

"...Lebanon is now governed by a terrorist organization, which means that unlike Hiz'B'Allah's patrons in Iran and Syria, the country is not merely a state sponsor of terror, but is an actual terrorist state, and one that will be in violation of several UN Security Council resolutions..."

With a bona fided nation state like Lebanon in Hiz'B'Allah's bloody clutches, terrorists could be granted ambassadorships, Foreign Ministry posts, Defense Ministry commands, etc, etc. Hariri's own assassins could be given diplomatic immunity. 

Just imagine. Imad Muganiyah's cadre able to trek all about the world - comfy and safe as milk with official government portfolios as cover 

Lebanon's embassies around the world could augment Hiz'B'Allah's global reach

Even more - Hiz'B'Allah are simply the most proficient killers and serial tormentors of Americans since Cold War time. And it's not all ancient 'Flock of Seagulls" era either.  Hiz'B'Allah trained Mahdi Army and engaged in missions against Americans in Iraq - in fact any American casualty since 2005 could very well be attributed to Hiz'B'Allah.

Pic - "Lebanon, or at least the democratic forces in Lebanon, are being held hostage. And no one,  is going to come to her rescue."

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