Monday, January 7, 2008

Albright Doctrine

The Grand Dame Avatar realist Madelaine K. Albright released a heartfelt caveat to the next Pres elect that requires a willing suspension of reality and a fearless ride on realpolitik's warped worldview one wheeled wagon. The ex Sec of State's jones for a trip on the wayback machine to the really unstable swinging stability of the 90's bi polar world is easy! It's all about the fear.
"One manifestation of fear is an unwillingness to think seriously about
alternative perspectives. America's standing in the world has been in free
fall these past few years because our country is perceived as trying to
impose its own reality -- to fashion a world that is safe and comfortable
for us with little regard for the views of anyone else."
This is significant. By happy luck, serious alternatives to 60 years of sucking up to unelected leaders - benign or horrid - ours or theirs - has not brought the corrupt, amoral cult of stability's stability, peace or security. It has brought terrorism, oil embargoes, wars, disease, famine and genocide. Serious alternatives are indeed required.

Totally played and way too last millenium. America's standing in the world, instead of free falling - has actually consistently soared - like Darling Nikki's rapprochment, Deutschland's elopement and Great Britain's renewed vows.

Realistically, the views of the Great Satan are totally legit with the entire world. America's deliciously dissing debut' - disregarding deranged doofuses with red ran fake blood hands - The attractive, articulate - universally awesome Non negotiable demands of human dignity

"...the rule of law, limits on state power, free speech, religious liberty,
equal justice, property rights, tolerance of difference and respect for
women. These values are a source of success for nations across the world and they are the only ideas that can give a future of modernity with dignity. This, we believe, will ultimately defeat the ideology of violent extremism and thus ensure our security..."

The Great Satan's safe comfy zone is truly global. Downright dangerous to illegitimate, intolerant regimes that torment their own people, their neighbors and have a magical ability and affinity for sponsoring and sprouting civilian rich environments packed with rocket rich self sabotaging woman worshipping, gender apartheiding rejectionists - who may or may not be fiddling about with WMD, intolerant militias, foreign fed 'n' led missile men, and active terrorist agents of destabilization.

"We need to do a better job of seeing ourselves as others do. It strikes the
world as ludicrous that we -- with all our wealth and power -- seem so afraid of
terrorists, rogue states..."
So afraid? In the New Millenium WMD crunked up caliphates, supervillans and their logistical intolerant chaotic soul mate states should indeed be so afraid - frightened - no less - by America Unbound. There is zero worth - no reason to tolerate them. Regimes that espouse no legitmacy or share no values. Unfree, in some cases nigh unhinged regimes - cannot help but act out against any functional or semi functional democracy in the current weapons range of 2K Kilometers.

Everything in America's arsenal - communications, financial, military, overt covert ops, diplomatic meetings etc."Dialouge" should be implemented as regime killing regime changes. Sending clear signals - Universal Confrontation and Selective Intervention are key components in the New Millenium.
As Ex Sec Albright herself says
"That idea is grounded in belief in democracy and burnished by our sense of
responsibility to generations past and still to come, and to keep our
nerve in the face of adversaries far more potent than those we face today."


  1. EXCELLENT, Courtney! I was rocking and rolling all the way through.

    Maddie Notsobright is the very last person we need to be brought back from our 90's experience.

  2. Dear Fiance of Lucifer,
    I agree with Karen.
    And if you happened to watch "Meet The Press" yesterday, Tim Russert and Mike Murphy were talking about Muddlin' Allright standing on the stage in Iowa with Hill and Billary. (This was immediately after the Great Obama Buttkickin' of 2008....the idea was to remind older women voters that Billary had appointed Muddlin'.) Russert and Murphy said that the stage "looked like a waxworks."

  3. And also, dear Fiance of Lucifer, what do I have to do to get a link on yer site? (which is Waaaay funny, BTW, and generally dead-on accurate.)

  4. This part's the best, Courtney:

    "By happy luck, serious alternatives to 60 years of sucking up to unelected leaders - benign or horrid - ours or theirs - has not brought the corrupt, amoral cult of stability's stability, peace or security. It has brought terrorism, oil embargoes, wars, disease, famine and genocide. Serious alternatives are indeed required."

    It reminds me of Faoud Ajami's piece in the new Foreign Policy. Ajami's just about the only commentator out of about a dozen who says bunk to all the anti-Americanism. Our allies are still hanging. Sarkozy's saying the Great Satan saved our butt in 1945!

    That's something you don't forget.

    Keep it up!

  5. Oh my goonse! I would have loved to see the "code pink" performance art.

    " fashion a world that is safe and comfortable for us with little regard for the views of anyone else."

    Topsy, turvy and upside down...has she ever honestly looked around while visiting our planet?

    "Comfort" makes me think of say a nice desk chair, which I'm sure many were sitting in on bright, beautiful, blue-skyed sunny Tuesday morning in early September 2001.

    Her views on our inappropriate imposition upon the idiotic speaks volumes regarding the "road to peace" taken that led us to that fateful day.

    "Afraid?" Afraid to act, afraid to resolve, afraid to stand up, afraid to feel differently than others, afraid to do more than talk, afraid to make tough with Fascism being Rightwing afraid to admit whose policy(ies) is fear based.

    Fear has driven she and others to feel the need to "see" ourselves as others do. Fear of the present has driven a certain category of human to fight ..."the rule of law, limits on state power, free speech, religious liberty.....women."

    The extremists should continue to "see" the Great Satan as the underbelly of a B2 (though we don't really want them to see it). She shouldn't be "afraid" of standing up for what WE believe is RIGHT, as others kill the innocent for what they believe is right...our values do not lead to destruction, it is having to defend those values that places us in the fray of the destruction they would sow whether we stood up to them or not. That's one of the many things they don't see.

    Does it have to be so hard getting some to see what really is? A head in the sand may be described by some as "comfort," but they look kind of "afraid" to me.

    Were it not for leaders with a "Not-so-Albright" mindset misusing words like, "fear" and "afraid" convincing the miscreant guttersnipe of the earth that we are indeed not afraid wouldn't be as difficult as they have made it.

    Beautiful, lovely, wonderful, par for the course with a birdie on this hole/post.

    I don't think they're engaged, but I could be wrong...

  6. And when you get a chance, take a look at this week's Time magazine. Allbright's interviewed. I've only got the Canadian edition, but I can't imagine the Americans media missing a chance to drool over Madeleine's non-achievements.
    A sample:
    "I wrote my book "Memo To The President Elect" for the next President because they (sic) are going to have a very hard job to do. America's reputation is the lowest that it has ever been. This presidency has done a great deal of damage, and I'm very glad that it will end."
    Does no one remember the Clinton's leaving town?
    Please discuss amongst yourselves.


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