Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fighting To Win

As the clock ticks down til the balloon goes up at Great Satan's premier Warcraft Academy - tons of eyes and ears are waiting on 44 to announce the new, improved AFPAK.

Here's irony for you - the very name AFPAK may be ditched as "...it infuriates both countries..." and will most likely feature a two for one deal:

Heavy COIN (counter insurgency ops) for Afghanistan and heavy Counter Terrorism for Land of the Pure - (more 'Drones Gone Wild!' stuff fo' sho!)

Doubtless, 44 will lay it out to play it out as designed and/or influenced by combat rock stars and leaks about France kicking in an additional 1.5k troops along with Great Britain's 5K may give small boon to the 30K Combat GI's (about 4 additional brigades).

Probably won't be spoken out loud - yet if corruption in Afghanistan is truly to be faced down - destroying or capturing those wacked, wild, wicked pop pop poppy fields has got to be on the menu.

Also, note Great Satan will be able to shape the violence on a regional scale with that much hard power in hand - a good sign to keep huge bits of Pakistan from falling into internat'l rec'vership - which after all is the Pak in AFPAK.

Pic "Fighting to win!"


  1. I agree that this has to be a multi front effort. Destroy the drug trade, more clandestine intervention in Pakistan and more military domination in Afghanistan. Thank goodness for Sarkozy. Viva La France.

  2. Call it Dirtypajamaland - if the shoe fits, wear it. I've been there and seen it....


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