ABC's recent Iview with the delectable GOP Veepbabe is quite revealing in more ways than one.
Especially with regards to Regime Changing.
Regime Changing is a hallowed American tradition - just lucky perhaps - Great Satan has took up a hook up that has shook up the status quo since the day she hit the hood.
Not entirely her fault - unfree and often nigh unhinged autocrats, despots, tyrants and leaders for life discovered to their dismay, annihilation and ruin that Great Satan has zero misgivings about her ability to destroy natural enemies.
It is her natural function, for she is the one truly revolutionary country in the world for more than 2 centuries. She does it automatically, and that is precisely why the tyrants hate her guts, and are driven to attack her. An enormous advantage, tyrants fear her, and their oppressed peoples want what she offers: freedom.
Aside from gaining Independence, Great Satan's influ quickly regime changed her oldest homie in the world. Royal France helped out America's kick off so much she went broke and succumbed to the French Revolution.
A few years later Great Satan deployed leather necked teuffel hunden Marine Corps to put paid to a chaotic Mohammedist fiefdom with a hideous penchant for piracy, slave trading and extortion in the Barbary Coast.
Most regime changes wrought have been the result of intolerant, unfree regimes acting out militarily - actually attacking Great Satan.
911 changed all that.
In an age of WMD crunk caliphates, illegitimate, corrupt, murderous regimes, rocket rich body part collectors and any fanboy fellow travellers (rocket hot or not) there is little reason to even tolerate their existence.
According sovereign status to ruinous failed states and their 'leaders' who torment their own people, their neighbors, foreign humanitarian compassionates, condone and practice genocide, horrific gendercide on their own sweet girls, indulge in slave trading while their 'nations' suffer pitiful literacy rates, poor sanitation, blinging on missiles, militaries, secret police instead of hospitals, schools, free media or a future for their young people and tend to act out against any democrazie in weapons range is a very tough case to make or even defend.
The counter of course is essentially - if killed off - such creeps, jerks and time traveling retards could very well be replaced with people much, much worse.
So what?
Newly minted despotries would have much to consider after a regime killing regime change's still smoking impact areas would most likely encourage robust contemplation about responsible leadership, desired behavior and functional societies.
Besides, should Americans truly be concerned about the world's view of Great Satan if she took out a rats nest of a regime over a long weekend along with their precious assets like WMD, rocket artillery or intolerant militias? Any tears shed by fellow tyrannies could be an indicator of the 'next time'.
GIBSON: Do we have a right to anticipatory self-defense? Do we have
a right to make a preemptive strike again another country if we feel that
country might strike us?
PALIN: Charlie, if there is legitimate and enough intelligence thatWhen in doubt - knock 'em out
tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend.
It is the duty, neigh the responsibility of any US leader to strike first and furious in order to protect American lives.
It is time the media learns that as well.
I'm sure that answer from Sarahcuda didn't sit well with liberal "Kiss terrorist butt" Charlie; had he been interviewing Hilarity, and she said it, he would have bowed low three times to the Clinton Library (and had his assistant schedule him a massage by one of Bubba's bimbos).
In the liberal lexicon, it doesn't matter what is said; it only matters who said it.
You said it Courtney. Love Gov Sarah Palin speaks for me!
Oops, that was me Courtney.
Can you imagine McCain and Palin, cleaning up Washington and the WORLD at the same time?
"When in doubt - knock 'em out"
What will you think of that policy when DC starts to implement it against domestic dissidents?
Michael! Come on - it's foreign policy - essentially meaning that the The burden for Regime Changing is not on Great Satan - it’s on illegitimate, corrupt, murderous regimes, rocket rich body part collectors and any fanboy fellow travellers (rocket hot or not) that torment their own people, their neighbors, foreign humanitarian compassionates, condone and practice genocide, horrific gendercide on their own sweet girls, indulge in slave trading while their ‘nations’ suffer pitiful literacy rates, poor sanitation, blinging on missiles, militaries, secret police instead of hospitals, schools, free media or a future for their young people and tend to act out against any democrazie in weapons range.
It’s up to those cats to prove they are safe as milk.
There is little reason to even tolerate their existence.
American dissidents? Sounds made up - like pacifist militants.
BTW, which day are you in Chattaboogie for your speech in Oct 31 - Nov 1? Whats the cover charge? Will u have any copies of "Confederates in the Boardroom" on hand to sign and sell?
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