Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Oh, Palestine!

Captain Caroline has a great bit in the JT with a hilariously true homage to America's Palestine Sympathy Fatigue.

Money Shot: 

The PLO is disoriented, panicked and hysterical. Speaking to Newsweek this week, Saeb Erekat, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas’s chief conduit to Israel and the Americans, complained that since 45 was sworn into office, no administration official had spoken to them.

“I don’t know any of them [45’s advisers]. We have sent them letters, written messages. They don’t even bother to respond to us.”

Erekat’s statement reveals something that is generally obscured. Despite its deep support in Europe, the UN and the international Left, without US support, the PLO is irrelevant.

All the achievements the PLO racked up under 44 – topped off with the former president’s facilitation of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 against Israel – are suddenly irrelevant. Their impact dissipated the minute Trump took office.